Home Forums Sales and Trades For Sale: Lefever Frames

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    • #5314
      Brian Dudley

      I have a surplus of stripped and bare Lefever Arms frames on hand that I would like to thin out.

      They could be used for whatever you deem them useful for.  Paperweights, engraving practice pieces, collecting, etc… you fill in the blank.

      I would sell them for $35.00 each delivered.  If they are pre 1898 (of which I have only 4 that qualify) they can go to your door.  If post 1898 they would have to go to FFL or C&R.

      I have over a dozen of various ages, grades.  Must would be 12g.


      I also have several Nitro Special frames that I would do the same with.


      Please contact me directly at bmdgunstocks@yahoo.com with any interest.

    • #5315
      Ken Descovich


      Sent email

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Ken Descovich.
    • #5378
      Brian Dudley

      Update:  All of the Pre-1898 frames are spoken for.

      I have currently 9 frames left that are post 1898, and these would have to ship to an FFL.

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