Home Forums Sales and Trades Buyers Choice – Two C grades

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    • #6710

      I am going to let go of a good C grade 12 ga.  I am letting you choose!

      36914_CE_12 (43)One 30 in Krupp Fluid Steel.

      One 30 in Damascus.

      I have listed them on Gunbroker,  high bidder takes ONE!!!  (click here)

      I am not opposed to offers from members, but I only want to part with one of them.


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Jason_Marks. Reason: Added clickable links
    • #6827

      Anyone looking for a new Lefever ?
      12 Cs above

      16 F

      20 H

      12 E

      12 F

      The Closest to 100% 12 G out there

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